Mold Do’s and Don’ts

If You Think You Have Mold Don’t…

Touch it. If you have to go near mold, please wear a face mask and gloves.

Bleach it. A common misconception is that mould can be removed with bleach. Simply put that is false. While bleaching the mold may make it disappear, without proper abatement, invisible mold spores will remain and regrow.

Paint over it. Trying to Paint over visible mold does nothing to reduce its harm or health hazards. In fact, delaying proper removal will only cost the homeowner more money in the long run.

Underestimate it. It can’t be  overstated how hazardous mold can be to the occupants of your home. Aside from allergies, people suffer long term health effects due to mold exposure. This includes asthma. The best thing you can do for your family, pets and property is to have mold remediated ASAP.


If You Think You Have Mold Do …

Assess the damage. You may need to segregate or quarantine rooms directly affected by the mould growth. If there is a significant amount of visible mold (overbearing odours, multiple rooms affected, members of the family getting sick), you may consider the need to evacuate your home until the mold issue is contained and remediated to a safe environment.

Correct the source. The moisture that is causing mold is coming from somewhere.  Water damage, leaks and high humidity issues must be addressed as soon as safely possible to stop the development and regrowth of mold.

Remember: What you can visually see is usually the tip of the mold issue in your home. It should always be assessed by an accredited and experienced Mold Expert.
